Substance P like immunoreactive neurons in the cholinergic cortical projection neuron areas of the basal forebrain in the cat 猫基底前脑胆碱能皮质投射神经元区的P物质样免疫反应神经元
Morphological Observation on the Spinal Double Projection Neuron 脊髓双投射神经元的形态学观察
In anterior thalamic nucleus corticothalamic projection neuron terminals form asymmetric synaptic contacts with HRP-labelled thalamocortical projection neurons by axo-dendritic synapses. 来自海马下托复合体皮质投射神经元轴突终末,在丘脑前核与投射至海马下托皮质的神经元树突形成非对称性轴-树突触。
Location and the Central Projection of Primary Afferent Neuron of the Thymus in the Chicken A Study with CB HRP method 鸡胸腺交感传入神经元的定位及其纤维在脊髓内的分布CBHRP法研究